Course offered by MIME in association with MyFin Global Finance Media Pvt Ltd, & FINMARK

Share Market Training Program

About Finmark   

Finmark Trainers is an Accredited Training Partner of the NSE and the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments, London. Since 2010, the company had conducted over 5,000 training programs across India and the UAE. Finmark is the prefered training partner for over 60 educational institutions in India. Its training programs encompasses every facet of the financial markets including Equities, Commodities and Currencies.

Investing with Safety Seminar

The Investing with Safety Seminar is a 90 minute free webinar. In this program, you will learn about the REAL reasons why the share prices go up and down. We discuss about the various products which are available in the financial products and the potential risks and rewards. You will further understand the reasons why many of the participants in the markets lose money and more importantly, what you should do to make consistent wealth. You will be introduced to the concepts of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis and Wealth Building

Course - Profit Seminar


There is no pre-requisite to attend the Profit Seminar. The program is structured in such a way that both the Novice and the Experienced alike will benefit from the session.


The falling interest rates, rising Inflation, job insecurities and so on leave little or no choice to us today. It is for each individual to take charge of their finances. The financial markets provide the best opportunities for Wealth Building …. Whether in in India, the Middle East, USA or anywhere in the world. However, Investing in financial assets requires knowledge and skill to
succeed. And that is where the Profit Seminar comes in. The program is designed in an easy-to-understand format and is delivered by market experts. The program will help you make the transition from Amateur to Professional Investor and give you the Knowledge and Skills which are required to succeed in today’s markets.

Session Details

  • Analysis of
    • Profit & Loss Acccout
    • Balance Sheet
  • Position of the Market
  • Bar Construction
  • Intepretation of Bars
  • Types of Market Closes
  • Construction of Charts
  • Different types of Market Days
  • Significance of Moving Averages
  • Calculation of Moving Averages
  • Ranges and their significance
  • Trend Analysis
  • The PC Rules
  • Portfolio Construction
  • Software Training

Program Takeaway

  • Learn to construct Low Risk Portfolios
  • Enhance Portfolio Returns with simple strategies
  • The Effect of the 3 Ms
  • Know the path to Financial Freedom
  • Long Term Wealth Building
  • Short Term Strategies